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Blooming with Love: Nani's Crochet Flowers Collection

We launched our Crochet Flowers a few months back and the love you have showered on our entire collection has been so overwhelming. It keeps us motivated to keep creating new things on a daily basis!

Usually I do not get overly emotional when it comes to my business, however this launch is doubly special for me and I’m here to tell you why. Not only will these flowers last a lifetime, but what makes them extra special is the love my Nani put into creating it.

My Nani reconnected with crocheting after 30 years and the entire process has been so overwhelming. I vividly remember the day I came up with this idea. It was the 13th of May, my Mom was telling me how Nani used to crochet years back and how good she was at it. It was the most random conversation and within minutes I found myself video calling Nani. She was visiting Maasi at that time, so of course I only asked her if she'd be interested in crocheting again. It was around 6pm when I sent my Maasi a few references and my Crochet Pinterest Board. I went to run some errands later and processed a few orders. It was when I was replying to a few queries on Instagram later that night when a notification popped up - ‘Maasi sent you a video.’ I opened WhatsApp and there it was, the first flower. A video of my Nani weaving the ends of the flower, Nanu playing with the yarn, my little brother recording the video, my darling sister arranging all the flowers and my Maasi trying to find more yarn. I was left speechless and my eyes welled up. How? Just how? And there it began, a new journey.

Product launches have always been my favorite. With handmade products, there’s always a lot of love, care and attention to detail to create something unique and to be treasured. With this one, there were memories attached too.

But what makes it all worthwhile is your love and support. Your unwavering love over the past few months has exceeded our expectations and has dispelled any anxieties we had about the reception of our crochet collection. It’s safe to say that our fears of ‘will people fall in love with our crochet collection’ can be put to to rest.

Explore our entire Crochet Collection here!


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