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my journey.

My Journey as a Small Business Owner!

For a very long time, it felt like running a business was not my cup of tea. I used to get quite intimidated by small businesses that shipped 100+ orders every week, the ones that sold all its inventory on launch day, the ones that went viral within months and were always booked. I have been at it for years now but it felt like it just wouldn't happen for me. Being a management student with a minor in design and a specialization in marketing, this felt like a slap in the face.

When I started out, I didn’t even know what I was doing. I was a 17-year-old high-schooler who acted on impulse and made an Instagram page right before board exams. It does not get any funnier.

I slowly started to realise how important this could be for my future. I put in more time and effort into growing this business, learned new concepts in college and experimented with a lot of ideas. I felt like I was doing everything right but somehow still couldn’t get ahead at work. Even though I had time on my hands, I realised I let uni work and campus life distract me. I felt guilty for not working hard enough, felt incompetent at times, got frustrated often because of the slow pace and it ended up taking a toll on me.

But one thing that makes me proud is that I never thought of quitting. I took breaks when needed, focused on completing my bachelors first, set my priorities straight and came back stronger.

Fast forward to today, I am passionate about my business and it shows in everything I do. The ungodly hours I put in do not drain me, it energises me. Instead of sitting idly and indulging in blame game, I acknowledge my shortcomings and adopt constructive measures. A change of perspective was all I needed.

I might not go viral on Instagram or have a ton of orders coming in on launch days, but I know it will happen for me one day. I still have a long way to go, but I can and I will make it happen.

I built a business that allows me to have a life I love, and today, I choose to appreciate the progress I’ve made so far.

P.S. Sipping coffee and making my dreams come true!

Alexa, play 'I Wanna Thank Me' by Snoop Dogg!


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