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Coloring Books: A Mini Retreat for the Brain

Alright, picture this: a world of screens, crazy schedules, and you're there trying to catch a breather. Life is a sprint, and we can only wish to cut the chaos for a second now. That's where art therapy swoops in, not just in the form of a gift, but as a chill pill from life's chaos.

Introducing Personalised Coloring Books – my brainchild born out of a mission to gift my best friend a breather from her corporate hustle. You can catch the full story here.

Today I’ll tell you why these coloring books are a versatile and heartfelt gift choice:

Our Own Little Escape Pod

These coloring books are a spa day for your mind, minus those odd cucumber eye masks. When the screens drive you nuts, they're your chill pill.

Overwhelmed by work deadlines or unable to concentrate? We need an escape. Struggling to focus on reports and submissions? Yep, we need an escape. Doom scrolling on the internet just because? Oh boy, do we need an escape. We all need a breather now and then, and these coloring books step right up. Whether you're a Picasso or can barely draw a stick figure, it doesn't matter. Whether you're an art pro or can barely doodle, it’s all good. Perfection isn’t the goal. These books are here to rescue us from screen overload, providing a judgment-free zone to dabble in colors and unwind after a rough day. It's our guilt-free safe space, our own little escape pod.

Switch off your devices, whip up some hot chocolate, light a candle, and gather your paints. Welcome to your sanctuary.

Artists Are Art Too

You know your artsy friend who’s always knee-deep in paint? Yep, they’ll adore this! Artists make art, but they also deserve to enjoy it. Because, well, artists are art too. Artists convey their love through their craft. They'll sketch your portrait for your birthday, mold a mug with your favorite lyrics, or surprise you with a scarf embroidered with your initials on a chilly morning. When they seek inspiration, a muse, they'll think of you. But who thinks of them?

Even if they could create a coloring book themselves, it’s the sentiment that matters. It’s about the emotion behind the gesture. Just like the planner enjoys being planned for, and the chef enjoys a surprise in the kitchen, artists, more than anyone, value and appreciate art. It’s about honoring their passion and letting them revel in it, regardless of their creative abilities. Give them a sweet surprise. Make them the muse, personalize a coloring book with their pictures, and it'll stay close to their heart forever.

So, indeed, a Coloring Book is a dreamy gift for the one who lives and breathes art. And when that creative block hits, this book is their secret getaway. No need for ideas—just dive into coloring!

Rules Are Meant To Be Broken

Rules? In a coloring book? Pfft, who needs them? You don’t need a fancy art degree to savor art therapy. Perfection isn't the mission here, remember? It’s time we embrace our inner 5-year-old and let our imagination run wild. Paint your hair green, give your dog purple spots, make the sky yellow – it’s your show! Can't color in a straight line? Crooked lines are the new straight. Let’s break coloring norms, shall we?

Quality Time Is My Love Language

To me, gift-giving isn’t just about the physical present; it's about creating more and more memories with my favourite people. While I may not live with my siblings anymore or always have my best friends around, I try to make every moment count when we're together. Movies and dinner dates are lovely, but it's ice skating and art dates that truly spark my excitement. Quality time is my love language, and I live for these new experiences.

I remember one sunny day at Sunder Nursery in Delhi with my adorable uni gang (Note to self: Google later if 3 people and a dog constitute a gang). We grabbed snacks, played cards, clicked polaroids, and painted our own coloring book under the winter sun. It was a spur-of-the-moment plan, but I'll never forget the fun: Simran struggling with a brush pen, accidentally covering everything in black; Shreya trying to prevent Rio from diving into the paint puddle; and me, well, somehow ending up dyeing my hair gray, of all colors! Silly as it was, these are the moments that stuck with me and are now close to my heart.

I created this coloring book as a birthday present for Simran. My only hope is that in the years to come, flipping through its pages will transport her back to the memories this book holds—the moments captured in the book, and the ones we created while coloring them together.

Consider this a sign to plan an art date with your favorite people! You even have the option to add watercolors to the coloring book. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

P.S. Don’t forget to bring a cloth to wipe your hands afterward. We made that mistake so you won't have to!

From The Heart

Hold up, did you think we're just slapping your photos in this coloring book? Absolutely not.

These books are like a whole vibe, not just some blank pages waiting for color. Here's where you spill your guts out, add songs that scream 'this is so us,' and drop jokes only you and your gang gets. It's your own storybook.

Give your tale a title that's completely yours, one that captures the essence of your friendship with your special hooman perfectly. And hey, if you need a bit of creative assistance, you know who's got your back! Let us be a part of your story, and we'll personalize the perfect gift for you and your favorite person.

Today, we embrace imperfection.

If you've made it this far, here's your cue to hit pause and break some rules. Remember, life's too short not to color outside the lines, so why not start with our Personalized Coloring Books? 

They aren't just a gift; they're an invitation to unwind, have a blast, and get creative. So grab those colors and let the good times roll. Take a peek at our Personalized Coloring Books and snag yours today. Happy coloring, everyone!


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