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And they were Roommates! OMG they were Roommates!

Friends, The Big Bang Theory, New Girl and Golden Girls all have one thing in common. At one point in their lives, all of these strong friends were roommates, which as you know leads to unlikely and crazy events that you just could not experience living alone.

If you've ever had to move out of home young for either work or University, then the chances are you've not been able to afford to rent a whole apartment or house to yourself. And so, people who may have once been strangers (or your former school friends) come into your life in the shape of roommates, and often your roommates become some of the closest friends you'll ever have. Sharing random moments and intimate memories with, arguably these people will know you better than your own parents.

From my own experiences, mixed with stories from my teammates and inspiration from some of our most loved TV shows, I've created a list of top 10 most relatable moments that you'll only ever share with your roommates.

1. Late Night Drives to McDonald's - Now, this is a personal favourite of mine, when you're chilling in the living room, it's 1 AM you and your roommate are craving a Big Mac and Peri Peri Fries, and so you decide to give in to those cravings and take a late-night cruise to a McDonalds. Mmmmmmmmm Fries.

2. Make-Shift Notes - These primitive scribbles often represent the marking of one's territory, if you've had a roommate, then chances are you've had to resort to these tactics when they've taken one too many of your pop-tarts. Ignoring one's make-shift note is a declaration of war.

3. No Toilet Paper - Now this one can be quite distressing, there is nothing worse than going about your business only to find out that whoever was supposed to buy the toilet paper didn't. Oops.

4. A Mexican Dish Standoff - Sadly, not all of us are as fortunate as Rachel Green to live with someone as OCD as Monica Gellar. And, it shows. Plates piled high, mugs going missing for days – lost in the shadows of someone's room, cutlery disappearing and pans gathering mould. Times like these aren't for the faint-hearted, but nothing feels more cathartic than an impromptu spring clean!

5. Clothes Bandit - I am sure that many of you have found yourselves going crazy looking for that one belt, t-shirt or dress that you wanted to wear but for the life of you cannot find it. Only to realise days later that your roommate has been hoarding it for their own personal use. The only way you can get your clothing back is to embrace it, rummage through their clothes and find that shirt that just compliments your eyes!

6. Horror Night - Now, these memories are some of the best. You, your roommates, a ton of snacks, oh and of course, a horror movie. Times like these often bring you all closer together, whether it's through the bonding of screaming at the laptop or hiding behind the blanket – times like these are better together.

7. 2 AM DMCs (Deep Meaningful Conversations) - These moments are often when you all share your deepest and darkest secrets, we've all spent the night talking to our roommates about EVERYTHING, and before you know it, the sun is rising, and the birds are singing.

8. Binge Watching AALLLL DAAAAY - For my roommates and me, we binged watched all of HBO's Game of Thrones in preparation for the last series. So many hours spent in our PJs, snacking on food that definitely was not good for us and chatting about how much work we should be doing instead. Classic.

9. Introducing Your Roommates to THAT Person - We've all been there, gossiping about our latest crush to our roommates and giving them all the details. Only to have to introduce them later down the line, some of us can only pray that they don't let something embarrassing slip. Awkward!

10. The Prank Master - When living in your flat, especially during a lockdown, you get bored. And inspiration takes hold. My favourite prank was to cut out a cardboard figure and stick it on the kitchen window so that behind the curtains, a shadow of a large man would appear. However, some pranks can go too far, for example, Winston Bishop from New Girl made an eviction notice to convince Jess and Nick that a new company bought their building. Only he didn't tell them it was a prank until they moved all of their belongings into a moving van!

11. Celebrating a Birthday - This is usually the first birthday that either you or your roommate has celebrated away from home. Usually, someone has attempted to make a cake, balloons are scattered all over the floor, and amusing presents are given. You will always remember this birthday for being one of the best or unique.

12. Your First Festive Holiday Away From Home - For me, it was New Year's Eve, my flatmates and I had decided to go to the local hill with a bottle of bubbly, watching the fireworks to celebrate the start of 2019.

13. Learning New Cultures - For me, especially, I came from a very isolated part of England to London, and it was amazing. All of a sudden, I was exposed to different cultures. My Bengali flatmates invited me to the Holi festival, my Nepalese flatmate introduced me to pop stickers, and my Nigerian friends taught me how to make the best Jollof rice. This was probably one of the best parts of having flatmates.

14. Holding Your First Dinner Party - We all get to that stage where we want to do something special, but not have to change out of our pajamas. Welcome to the flat dinner party. One roomie will be in charge of the starter, the other mains and the last for dessert. These parties often include drinks, big laughs and overeating. If you haven't already done this with your roommates, then I definitely recommend it. But do not do a Rachel Green and put minced beef in the trifle!!!

15. All Good Things Must Come to an End - And after all that, it's time to move on, whether it's to another location for your dream job or to move in with your significant other. But at the end of the day, your roommates will always be your roommates and won't be leaving your life anytime soon.

Adjusting to new beginnings in your life can be scary, may it be University or a different city, roommates are there to be by your side and experience every moment with you. So, embrace your time with your roomie by your side and cherish every moment together.

And now to test your ultimate roommate score! Look back through the moments and count how many relatable memories you and your roommates have shared. Then let us know how you did in the comments!


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