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14 Ways to Virtually Celebrate your Bestie's Birthday

Just another thing 2020 has ruined for us is our bestie's birthday. No night stays, no outings, and no celebration. Ugh! Were we even this sad about our own birthdays being ruined? Guess not.

Well what's done has been done but that doesn't mean you can't have fun! Here are a few sure shot ways to celebrate their birthday and not let quarantine blues get to them!

  • House Party!

Should we even count this rather obvious one? You absolutely HAVE TO make them get on a midnight call with all their loved ones and get the message across that you're gonna celebrate their birthday with a bang!

  • Your order is here!

Deliveries have been our saviours in the quarantine, so one of the easiest ways to sweeten up their birthday would be to get a cake delivered to them.

  1. Identity Personified

One of our favorite gifts from A Trillion Smiles are the Pop Art Models. With so many options you are definitely going to find one that suits them cent per cent. Just hurry up and send it to them.

  • Theme Party

So what if you're not going to meet in person? The party must go on and themes just take it up a notch. Decide on a theme and have everyone dress accordingly. You can have a virtual fashion show too to showcase everyone's efforts!

  • Decorate

On the mention of themes, why not decorate your own room according to the theme too? It is of course more about maintaining the feel of a party than it is about having people see it. So grab those art supplies and get off the couch!

  • Ting Tong!

It's not only food that can get delivered, and just because you can't reach them doesn't mean your emotions have to hold back too. Write them a heartfelt letter about everything you love about them, (or how stupid their face is) and let them read it on cam so that you can watch their priceless reaction.

  • Customized Chocolate

Chocolates are a boring gift as is, but we at A Trillion Smiles give you umpteen options to customize chocolates and we'll wrap them up and deliver them to their doorstep too. That ought to make it special, doesn't it?

  • Bake Together

Have all your friends bake the same flavoured cake, or a cupcake, and cut it together in the evening. That way you will all have the same flavours in your mouth and the same feeling in your heart.

  • An Explosion of Love

Explosion Boxes are all the rage right now, and why shouldn’t they be? They are these awesome bundles of pictures, chocolates, notes, memories, and what nots, all customized to the core to include your and your bestie’s most precious memories. Go check out our website ASAP!

  • All Dressed Up!

You would’ve dressed up together and helped each other out with outfits and make up had you been together, so why not now? Suggest each other outfits for the evening and help each other out with make up, all over the camera. It will be fun, we promise.

  • Back to School

Remember back in school when all we could afford as ‘gifts’ for our besties were handmade cards? Those were some priceless days, and we can help you get them back. Just head to our website to check out the Handmade Cards section, choose the best one, and leave the rest up to us.

  • Dance Like No One’s Watching

Turn the cam on, play the music, have a Karaoke, and dance together. Prove that together does not have to mean physical proximity, it means enjoying your hearts out unabashedly.

  • Old-School Shenanigans

Albums and Scrapbooks aren’t a thing of the past. They symbolize close relationships and serve as a physical memoir of a lot of fun you have had together. Don’t you think pictures in a scrapbook would be better than pictures in a phone? We have an entire section dedicated to these so what are you waiting for?

  • In the Arena

An intense game night would top our list when we’re looking for some distant fun. Decide upon a game, grab some snacks ready, get on a con call, and start the battle. You will find yourself going back to this idea again and again, we can bet.

Pick a few ideas from the list and go have some fun!


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